The bouquet by Floresta with three flowers of roses, eustoma, eucalyptus and panicum is a harmonious composition combining a variety of colours, textures and emotions that together create a highly evocative gift.

Roses in three colours are the main focus of the bouquet, symbolising a variety of feelings and shades of emotions. Their combination makes the bouquet versatile and suitable for different occasions.

The eustoma, known for its ethereal colours and delicate shape, brings freshness and refinement to the arrangement. It softens the look of the bouquet and adds a sense of sophistication and femininity.

Eucalyptus completes the composition with its fresh greenery and soft fragrance. Its leaves give a sense of tranquility while providing structure and balance to the bouquet.

Panicum adds airiness and movement with its subtle and light grasses. It brings dynamism and natural charm, highlighting the aesthetics of the bouquet.

This bouquet is carefully selected and arranged to convey emotion and sophistication, turning any occasion into a special moment.