The Floresta bouquet combines a variety of flowers that attract attention with their picturesque colors and textures, creating a unique and elegant composition perfect for any special occasion.

Dark pink hydrangea is the centerpiece of the bouquet, its intense color adding depth and drama. The large, glossy blossoms are a symbol of gratitude and emotion and create an impression of sophistication and luxury. It adds a touch of elegance and generosity, and its richness gives it a solemn and impactful look.

Pink peonies add extra tenderness and romanticism to the bouquet. Their soft and fluffy blossoms, with a delicate pink colour, symbolise beauty, love and sensuality. These flowers create a sense of lightness and grace that balance the stronger accents in the composition.

Blue-green roses are a unique accent in the bouquet. Their delicate colours, which range from grey-blue to green, create a mysterious and exotic effect that adds modernity and uniqueness to the arrangement. These roses add to the dynamism of the bouquet, bringing contrast and variety among the other colours.

The creamy lisianthus with delicate and subtle petals adds another level of elegance to the bouquet. The lisianthus symbolises respect and gratitude and adds an airy freshness to the composition. It softens the brighter tones while bringing in additional texture.

Hypericum with its bright little fruits in white shades brings dynamism and liveliness to the bouquet. These bright elements create a contrast with the more delicate colours and contribute to the freshness of the composition by adding an interesting accent and texture.

Veronica, with its slender, upright stems and small flowers in blue or purple, brings freshness and lightness. It gives the bouquet length and structure, giving it dynamism and grace.

This bouquet combines classic elegance with modern accents and is perfect for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to express feelings of love and gratitude. The composition of different flowers and textures creates a visual and emotional impact that will leave a lasting impression.