The Floresta bouquet is an elegant and stylish composition, combining sophisticated flowers and fresh greenery that make it suitable for any special occasion.

The leucadendron with its unique colors and textures adds an exotic accent to the bouquet while adding value and character. It is beautifully combined with pale pink roses that bring a romantic and elegant touch, perfect for any celebration. The pink mini roses add extra freshness and tenderness, while their small and perfect shape adds charm and detail to the composition.

The alstroemeria, with its bright and contrasting colours, adds dynamism and playfulness, while the lisianthus, with its delicate, almost lance-shaped petals, completes the bouquet with its elegance and lightness. The greenery of the eucalyptus adds freshness and completeness to the composition, while adding fresh notes of fragrance and texture.

This beautifully balanced combination of flowers creates an exquisite and memorable bouquet suitable for weddings, anniversaries, a gift for a special someone or simply to bring joy to loved ones.