95,00 лв.
The bouquet “Blue Elegance” is a stylish and sophisticated composition with dark blue hydrangea, blue-green roses, light blue carnation, veronica and tanacetum. It is suitable for all occasions and celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries or special events, adding elegance and sophistication to the moment.
The bouquet “Blue Elegance” by Floresta combines the sophistication of dark blue hydrangea with unique blue-green roses that bring freshness and mystery to the composition. Light blue carnation adds an extra accent with its delicate colours and texture. Veronica and Tanacetum bring lightness and dynamism to the bouquet, creating a balance between elegance and naturalness.
This bouquet is an ideal choice for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries or events where uniqueness and refined taste need to be expressed. “Blue Elegance” combines classics with modern shades, making an impression with the colors and the balance between tenderness and strength.