This elegant bouquet from Floresta combines cream and deep pink roses, white lily, lisianthus, hypericum and eucalyptus to create a rich and layered arrangement with elegance and freshness.

Cream roses bring softness and sophistication, while dark pink roses add richness and romance, creating a delicate yet expressive contrast. This combination of roses symbolizes harmony and deep affection, making the bouquet suitable for special occasions.

The white lily attracts attention with its exquisite colours and adds a classic elegance, while adding calm and balance to the composition.

Lisianthus adds delicacy and lightness with its delicate blossoms, which highlight the romantic nature of the bouquet and soften the more saturated colours.

Hypericum with its small fruits brings an interesting and refined detail, adding a sense of gentle sophistication.

Eucalyptus completes the composition with its silver-green leaves, which add further depth and style, while bringing a soothing freshness and linking all the elements into a harmonious whole.

This bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries or just to say thank you.