The bouquet of Floresta with red roses, hydrangea and purple lisianthus is an exceptional composition that combines classic romance with an elegant and contemporary style. Each flower in this bouquet has been selected with attention to detail, creating an exquisite and emotionally charged atmosphere.

Red roses are a symbol of passion and love, adding depth and intensity to the composition. Their intense colour and perfect shape attract attention and inspire emotional impact. Hydrangea, with its large, fluffy blossoms, adds a sense of refinement and volume. Its soft, white colour contrasts with the red roses, creating balance and harmony throughout the composition.

Purple lisianthus add an extra dose of tenderness and elegance. These flowers are known for their delicate petals and their beautiful shades of purple and lavender, which bring freshness and lightness to the bouquet, creating a perfect counterpoint to the stronger tones of the roses.

This bouquet is perfect for a variety of special occasions from romantic surprises, wedding receptions to anniversaries and milestone events. The combination of bright and delicate colors makes it a versatile and elegant choice that will leave an unforgettable memory.