225,00 лв.
The bouquet of white, cream and pink roses, light lilac mini roses, lisianthus and eucalyptus is an elegant composition suitable for various occasions and celebrations. With its soft pastel tones and delicate greenery, it exudes grace and harmony, making it the perfect choice for weddings, anniversaries and festive occasions.
The bouquet of Floresta with white, cream and pink roses, light purple mini roses, lisianthus and eucalyptus is a refined and delicate composition that brings a sense of elegance and harmony. Every detail in the bouquet has been carefully selected to create the perfect balance between classic and modern.
White roses – a symbol of purity and new beginnings, these white roses add sophistication and grace to the bouquet. They exude elegance and are a perfect choice for romantic moments, weddings or festive events. White is a symbol of innocence and sincerity, and these roses enrich the composition with their purity of form and texture.
Cream Roses – delicate cream roses complement the composition with their warm and soft glow. They symbolize gratitude and respect, bringing a feeling of comfort and warmth to the bouquet. Their creamy shade adds harmony and elegance to the overall look.
Pink Roses – With their freshness and vitality, pink roses create balance and joy in the bouquet. Their soft pink hue is a symbol of gratitude and love, making this bouquet ideal for any occasion that requires an expression of affection and appreciation.
Light purple mini roses – these miniature roses add delicacy and charm to the arrangement. The purple colour brings a touch of mystery and elegance, adding a subtle and delicate accent to the composition. The small size of the flowers creates an interesting variety of textures and adds volume to the bouquet.
Lisianthus – with its delicate petals and pleasant pastel hue, lisianthus adds lightness and elegance. This flower is known for its beauty and durability, making it not only beautiful but practical in the bouquet.
Eucalyptus – With its fresh and green leaves, eucalyptus serves as a lovely counterpoint to the brightness of the flowers, bringing balanced greenery and fragrance. It adds the final touch to the composition, adding volume and elegance while highlighting the floral nuances of the roses and lisianthus.
This bouquet is perfect for all kinds of special occasions – weddings, anniversaries, holidays or just to delight a loved one with a delicate and elegant flower. With its exquisite combination of white, cream and pink roses, light purple mini roses, lisianthus and greenery, it brings a sense of sophistication and elegance that will impress any recipient.