This elegant bouquet from Floresta combines the delicacy of pink tulips, the classic beauty of white ranunculus and the freshness of eucalyptus. Pink tulips, with their delicate shades, add a romantic and refined touch to the composition, symbolizing love and gratitude. Their sophisticated colour is chosen to give freshness and softness to the whole arrangement.

The white ranunculus with its multi-layered, delicate petals adds grace and elegance. Its pearly tones contrast beautifully with the pink tulips, bringing harmony and style. Ranunculus, with its expressive shape and softness, enhances the airiness of the arrangement, giving it exceptional beauty and grace.

To finish, eucalyptus brings freshness and greenery to the composition, adding texture and depth. Its silvery green leaves create a light and natural feel that balances the brighter blooms of the tulips and ranunculus, while bringing an aromatic freshness.

This combination of pink tulips, white ranunculus and eucalyptus is an ideal choice for any special occasion. It brings a sense of freshness, elegance and natural beauty, combining classic sophistication with modern ease.