This exquisite bouquet from Floresta is a perfect combination of elegance and freshness that will make an impression at any special event. Composed of exceptional flowers that complement each other, it is an ideal choice for expressing love, gratitude or admiration.

Peonies, with their full and spectacular colors, are the main highlight of the bouquet. Their large, delicate petals in different shades of pink give the bouquet a feeling of luxury and romance. Peonies are a symbol of love, happiness and wealth, making them extremely suitable for all important occasions.

Roses, with their classic shapes and delicate fragrance, add elegance and style to the composition. Roses are a symbol of love and affection, adding depth and sophistication to the bouquet, blending beautifully with the peonies. Their shades of light cream create a harmonious contrast with the other flowers.

The eustoma, with its delicate petals and delicate shape, brings an extra tenderness to the arrangement. With its pastel colours, it adds freshness and lightness, softening the contrast between the stronger tones of the peonies and roses. The eustoma is a symbol of gratitude and respect, adding sophistication and completeness to the composition.

Eucalyptus, with its elegant foliage, provides a pleasantly fresh feel and enhances the colours of the flowers. Greenery adds texture and structure, balancing the emotional charge of the colors. It gives the bouquet an extra lightness and freshness, creating a natural and stylish finish.

The overall composition is well balanced, with each element contributing to create an elegant and impressive bouquet, ideal for a variety of occasions, from romantic surprises to festive celebrations. The combination of the tenderness of the eustoma, the splendour of the peonies and roses and the freshness of the eucalyptus makes this bouquet extremely stylish and suitable for expressing all kinds of emotions and congratulations.