This exquisite bouquet from Floresta combines the softness of cream roses, the elegance of lily and the delicacy of white freesia, complemented with lisianthus, carnation, hypericum and eucalyptus for subtle texture and freshness.

Creamy roses bring softness and warmth, adding a romantic and sophisticated touch to the bouquet. Their delicate color is a symbol of purity and respect, making roses ideal for a variety of special occasions.

Lilies add accent with their classic elegance and create visual balance. It symbolizes nobility and refinement, bringing harmony and serenity to the composition.

Freesia with its subtle fragrance and airy blossoms gives the bouquet a sense of lightness and freshness, while lisianthus adds a soft, romantic appeal. The delicacy of the lisianthus complements the roses, creating a sense of grace and harmony.

The carnation enriches the composition with texture and adds depth, while the hypericum with its small fruits brings a light accent that refreshes the overall look of the bouquet. These small elements add not only an elegant contrast but also character.

The finishing touch – eucalyptus – adds silvery green hues and texture, softening the colours and bringing a natural freshness. Its leafy structure adds lightness and ties all the flowers together in a refined and complete composition.

This bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries or as a special gesture of attention and affection.