This impressive bouquet from Floresta combines a wealth of different flowers, creating an elegant and dynamic composition. It features deep pink hydrangeas, allium, roses, alstroemeria, veronica and eucalyptus, which together form a unique and captivating bouquet suitable for any special occasion.

Thedark pink hydrangeas are the focal point of the composition. With their large, luscious blooms and intense hue, they add depth and grace, exuding passion and emotion. Their imposing appearance creates a feeling of richness and luxury.

Allium with its distinctive, globular colours adds an interesting geometric element and adds to the drama of the bouquet. These unique colours create a beautiful contrast with the freshness of the other flowers.

Roses, a symbol of everlasting love and admiration, add another level of romance and elegance. Their delicate petals and subtle hues add tenderness and softness to the overall composition.

The alstroemeria is an extremely popular flower, known for its long-lasting blooms and variety of colours. In this bouquet it brings liveliness and harmony with its bright colours and elegant shapes.

Veronica adds lightness and freshness with its long, slender stems and small, purple flowers. It adds to the elegance of the bouquet and gives a unique context.

To finish, eucalyptus adds softness and texture to the arrangement. Its silvery-green leaves create contrast and brighten the composition while bringing a natural elegance and freshness.

This bouquet is perfect for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays or as an expression of gratitude and respect. It combines colours and textures that attract attention and leave a lasting impression.