The bouquet by Floresta with pink hydrangea, cream roses, various colors of mini roses, alstroemeria, lavender and tanacetum is a real flower fairy combining delicate and fresh hues.

Pink hydrangea brings elegance and romance to the bouquet, while cream roses add class and sophistication. Mini roses in different colours add even more dynamism and charm, giving tenderness and freshness to the composition. The alstroemeria with its bright colours creates a beautiful contrast and energy, while the lavender adds a soothing and fragrant note, emphasising the delicacy of the bouquet. To finish, the tanacetum adds small, fresh flowers with a slight yellow-green colouring that bring playfulness and variety.

This bouquet is perfect for wedding ceremonies, special celebrations or as a gift for a loved one. It exudes joy, freshness and elegance while being suitable for a variety of occasions and celebrations.