This impressive bouquet from Floresta is a real flower treat, combining tulips in different shades. The sympathetically selected palette of bright and pastel colors makes this bouquet unforgettable and ideal for any occasion, as a gift, festive decor or just a gesture of attention.

Tulips are arranged with attention to detail to create a sense of movement and depth, flowing from whites, yellows and oranges to pink and purple hues. Each color carries its own symbolism and emotion: white tulips symbolize purity and new beginnings, yellow – joy and happiness, pink and purple – romance and tenderness.

The flowers are carefully arranged to highlight not only their beauty, but also to create a feeling of lightness and elegance. Tulips of different sizes and shapes create interesting textures that fill the bouquet with life and energy.

The bouquet with tulips is ideal for special occasions – weddings, anniversaries or for a gift that brings joy and emotions. It is a symbol of love, gratitude and admiration, and is sure to leave a lasting impression.


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